It is amazing how the night went last night. I think being the 3rd pregnancy I finally learned to take it easy. I didn't have 5 million things that I felt that I had to get done when I got home. I just relaxed and nursed my girls. When Madelyn was born I knew I was started classes the following week and had a lot to do. When Grace was born we knew we had to be out of our apartment in 30 days and move into our house. With Brooke and Dakota I just have to get my taxes done. And they will get done.
Last night I did their 7-8 feeding and then just crashed. Woke up around 11 to Brooke stirring so I got her up fed/changed her and she was out! Then it was Dakota's turn. At 3 am Brooke had started to stir so I got her up and did the routine all over again. Matt got up with Dakota to help wake her a little so that it would not take me so long. Then I was back to bed again until about 7 am. It really was not bad at all. I figured the first night home with them would be rough but the only issues I had was that my tailbone started to hurt and I am producing way more milk than the girls are drinking so engorgement was a little issue. My milk is fully in now at this point and we are doing well (minus the tailbone being sore).
I am spending the day in bed with Grace playing games and watching cartoons! That way I can get rid of the aches from delivery - my pelivs and ribs were so spread that they ache while trying to realign.
As promised here are a few more photos:
This is Brooke (top) and Dakota (bottom) while in the Nursery

Madelyn holding Dakota - Brooke was still being watched closely and only Matt and I really got to hold her.
Dakota Mae Carver - finally released from Nursery Prison.
Dakota's Close Up!
Brooke holding her Binki
My 4 Girls - Grace has Dakota - Madelyn has Brooke
The Fire Dept Sign - Thanks Chrissy and Kailey!
More photos and videos posted here and here!
Adorable!! Oh my!! They look so big!!!
Awe - congrats Leona!!! They're BEAUTIFUL! I thought they looked big until I saw the pic of Brooke with her binky...OMGosh...YAY!!!! Glad your first night home went great!
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