Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bed Rest 101
Rule #1 - it sucks!
Rule #2 - make the best of it - the longer the babies are in the better off they will be.
So, I have a comfy couch, TV and wireless internet and 2 very understanding girls - hopefully that parts lasts for awhile.

Wednesday Evening I started having Braxton Hicks contractions from 6 pm to about midnight. I had called the doctor (like requested) and they decided that would need to come in Thursday morning. I am currently dialated 1cm at 30.5 wks. Apparently not a good thing since I need to keep these girls in for our goal of 4 more weeks. The preformed a test that is about 90% accurate in prediciting if I would be going into labor in the next two weeks or not - it was a negative. I am on meds to help with the contractions when I feel them etc.

So, I was told no more work. I did get approval to work from home - with my feet up. So, hopefully that works - I do not want to go on complete restriction.

I got back to the doctor on Thursday - so I will keep you all posted.

Tomorrow is the baby 'sprinkle' so I will be posting photos of that in the next few days - in the meantime here is a photo of my belly at 30.5 wks.

It seems that my belly has gotten smaller since the last photo. I know it hasn't but I am not sure why - maybes its more round and lower??

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Photo ChallengeMy friend, Linda posted a comment here, challenging me to a Photo Challenge. Linda is a friend of mine from a stamping forum - where we are all self proclaimed Dorks.
Linda's challenge was to go to my photos folder, to the 6th folder, then to the 6th photo in that folder and upload it to my blog and then write something about the photo. So, that is what I have uploaded.

1. The photo was taken by myself - it was taken on 1/0/09.

2. It is of my youngest daughter Grace. She is getting her nails done as part of her 4th birthday present - a day with Mommy.

Now, I'm to pass on the challenge...The Challenge:
A. Open "my pictures" folder.
B. In the 6th folder, take the 6th picture and post it on your blog.
C. Write something about the picture.
D. Challenge 6 new people to join this challenge.
E. Put a link in their blog to let them know they are challenged.
I challenge the following people:
1 Pam
Have fun playing ladies :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

29 wk Prego update!

I went to the doctor today for my 29wk check up. I am now on biweekly visits. The doctor told me today that I am holding up really well. She said that the worst thing for me right now would be bedrest - I am uncomfortable but just lying around would make me miserible. I had my Rhogram shot today so we are right on schedule with everything that needs to be done. The doctor sees great movement with both babies so we are happy!

I asked the doctor for the projected 'date' that I should stop working/have these babies. She asked for my opinion - I told her I'd like to work as long as possible. She said that she would not stop my labor if I start after February 24th. She said by that point I will be quite uncomfortable and the babies are growing so well that they will be ready to deliver by then with little complications. So, at this point I figure I will go on leave around the first week of March.
Now I will tell you a little about each baby:
Baby A - is on the right side. She is headdown and in perfect birthing position. She will more than likely be the first baby born. That means her name will be Brooke Lynn. She is weighting about 3lbs 2 oz. In accordance to her measurements she is measuring a few days ahead of schedule. She is very active and I feel her move the majority of the time that I do feel movement. My uterus is clear up under my ribs. At this point she weights exactly/about what a 'single' baby would way at this point of gestation.
Baby B - is on the left side. She is breech. Her head is actually located right under my ribs. She is camera shy and kept covering her face with her hands. She weights about 3lbs 6ozs. Her measurements are putting her at about 30 wks gestation. Because she will more than likely be the second one born, her name will be Dakota Mae. Currently I can deliver naturally. Even if Dakota does not flip - once Brooke is born Dakota may rotate on her own if not, she can still be born breech (feet first). I questioned that, but the doctor said because she'd be the 2nd twin it would not hurt for her to be born feet first as I will have already delivered one child.
So, I have about 6lbs 8 ozs of baby in me and I will have a goal to make it another 4-5 wks. The doctor said they are probably each a little bigger because the measurements are not right on. Knowing what I know about the girls I carry - each of them are measuring small but are actually much bigger. Madelyn was born at 8lbs 2.4 oz 19.5" long and Grace was born at 7 lbs 14 oz 21" long. Both only measured around 5-6 lbs prior to delivery.
Because I am having twins I was told today that I would be delivering them in the OR to be on the safe side. Matt and I have made the decision that the girls can watch the twins be born - so they will get to watch from behind one of those glass windows like you see on tv!
I gained another 6 lbs putting me at 178 lbs. The only thing I have to do is trust my instincts and know my limits. I will continue to take it easy and watch my carbs (since I am technically boarderline diabetic).
My baby shower or 'sprinkle' is Superbowl Sunday so I am getting excited about that and the fact that the babies are doing well and will be here soon. I am not sure how we will do it but I am sure that we will figure it out :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

WoW how things change is 2 Weeks!

This photo on the left was taken 2.5 wks ago when I was 26 wks prego. The photo on the right was taken today at 28.5 wks prego. I can visibly see that I am bigger and the babies maybe have dropped a little too :) Only 5.5 wks until Feb 24th! Then anytime after that point we all can meet the two little ones in there!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Back to the Grindstone...

Tomorrow I have to go back to work - yuck. But it was nice to be home with the girls while school was out. I am really not looking forward to mandatory 10 hours of OT.

We did a lot while I was off. We got the girls room completely splatter painted. Matt and I will just have to finish up with the trim and ceiling.

The girls and I went out yesterday to spend the morning at the salon for their birthdays. They each got a really cute hair cut and their nails done :)

Below are a few photos from the last couple days :

The above photos are of the girls trip to the salon.

These are photos of the girls with their papaw.
Grace giving me some additude!
Mine and Madelyns feet after we finished painting their room.