Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bed Rest 101
Rule #1 - it sucks!
Rule #2 - make the best of it - the longer the babies are in the better off they will be.
So, I have a comfy couch, TV and wireless internet and 2 very understanding girls - hopefully that parts lasts for awhile.

Wednesday Evening I started having Braxton Hicks contractions from 6 pm to about midnight. I had called the doctor (like requested) and they decided that would need to come in Thursday morning. I am currently dialated 1cm at 30.5 wks. Apparently not a good thing since I need to keep these girls in for our goal of 4 more weeks. The preformed a test that is about 90% accurate in prediciting if I would be going into labor in the next two weeks or not - it was a negative. I am on meds to help with the contractions when I feel them etc.

So, I was told no more work. I did get approval to work from home - with my feet up. So, hopefully that works - I do not want to go on complete restriction.

I got back to the doctor on Thursday - so I will keep you all posted.

Tomorrow is the baby 'sprinkle' so I will be posting photos of that in the next few days - in the meantime here is a photo of my belly at 30.5 wks.

It seems that my belly has gotten smaller since the last photo. I know it hasn't but I am not sure why - maybes its more round and lower??


Pam's Pride said...

Bedrest is not THAT bad! ;) Keep those babies in there as long as you can!
Is your doctor giving you a steriod shot to develop the babies lungs? It made a HUGE difference for my baby girl.
Hopefully the contractions stop!
Sending prayers for you and the babies!

Toni said...

Grow babies Leona.
Hopefully some stamping with come soon..or set up a little tray on the couch with some supplies. You are doing a great job!